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title | Weitere Themen zu Meetings und Webinaren in Zoom |
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cql | label = "meetings-webinare" |
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Online consultation via Zoom |
There is no stand-alone tool at WU to manage office hours. However, it is possible to arrange online consultations via email in a defined time window and to create a recurring Zoom meeting for this purpose, e.g. every Tuesday between 10 and 11 am. The meeting itself can be configured so that there is a waiting room where all users who want to enter the meeting room end up. You would then have the option to bring students into the main room one at a time (and send them back to the waiting room at the end of the assigned timebox).
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title | More topics about meetings and webinars in Zoom |
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excludeCurrent | true |
cql | label = "meetings-webinare" |
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