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This information is available in German and English



🇦🇹 Deutsche Version | 🇬🇧 English Version

🇦🇹 Deutsch

Die Newslist dient dazu, die aktuellsten Nachrichten aus dem Bereich "News" anzuzeigen.




🇬🇧 English




The newslist is used to display the latest news from the "News" section.


Create a "Message System" element in the "Content" area (screenshot). Insert a heading in the "Heading" field. If necessary, you can add a link to it by adding the desired link to another internal or external page, a file, a new e-mail or a link from the "Events/News" area under "Link". In the "Plug-in" section, you can choose an output view by clicking on "Select output mode". Depending on your selection, the output view will have a different layout and structure. For demonstration purposes the mode "List View" is selected, but you can use any available mode for your website. Depending on the mode, you can now apply different sorting/filtering criteria. In "List View" mode, news entries can be sorted and filtered by categories. In the tab "further settings" you can also limit the maximum number of news items to be displayed. In the tabs "Template" and "Event/News" at "Plug-in" you can also manage further features. By default, the frontend shows the most recent news items with date, title and an insight into the article. In addition, there is a picture on the left side of each article.


Normal without images

To display the news list without the image on the right side (in the frontend), follow the same steps as described in the section "Normal with images". Now click on the "Template" tab in the "Plug-In" folder. The last field you see is "Template Layout". In this field, select the option "List Layout without images".