Info |
Diese Information ist in deutscher und englischer Sprache verfügbar. Nutzen Sie einen der beiden Links um zur gewünschten Sprachversion zu gelangen. This information is available in German and English. Please use one of the links below to navigate to the desired version. 🇦🇹 Deutsche Version | 🇬🇧 English Version |
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Personen mit eingeschränktem Sehvermögen sind oftmals auf so genannte Screenreader angewiesen, um die Inhalte von Webseiten erfassen zu können.
Bitte erstellen Sie daher Ihre Inhalte immer in der korrekten Sprachversion einer Seite.
Auszeichnung von spezifischen Inhalten auf Seiten
Die Vorgehensweise dazu ist relativ simpel:
Gewünschten Text markieren.
In der Symbolleiste auf "Set Language" klicken und die gewünschte Sprache auswählen.
In der Quelltextansicht kann bei Bedarf die Sprache überprüft werden.
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Labeling of foreign language content |
People who have impaired vision often need screen readers to understand the content of websites.
In this context, the labeling of foreign language content is of particular importance so that it can be read aloud in the correct language.
Placing content in the correct language version of a page
For the funktioning of these mechanisms it is important that German-language content is created on German pages and English-language content is created on the English-language version of a page. This is the only way to ensure that the texts can be read out in the correct language. For example, if English content is created in the German language version, it will be read aloud as if it were German content - this would make it difficult to understand the content.
Therefore, please always create your content in the correct language version of a page.
Labeling of specific content on pages
Of course, it may happen that some English content is to be displayed on a German page (or vice versa). In this case, it is important to mark these contents as English-language as well. In the TYPO3 rich text editor you have the possibility to mark whole paragraphs or single words as being written in a different language.
The procedure for this is simple:
Select the desired text.
Click on "Set Language" in the toolbar and select the desired language.
In the source code view, the language can be checked if necessary.